Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Day to Love

This morning, during my quiet time, I was asking God about Valentine's Day. In particular, I was curious about whether this really is just a "Hallmark Holiday" or if it is something actually worth celebrating. This is what I feel He told me:

"The biggest complaint people have against Valentine's Day, is that they think people should be showing love all year, not just on this one day - which is absolutely true. But today is a day set aside for the recognition of love. It is a day concentrated on love - let it set the bar for the upcoming year. Instead of reducing this day to the standard expression of love that has become your normal (whether you actually show love throughout the year or just use that line as a cop out), why not use it to set the standard, a lifestyle of love for the upcoming year? Why not be lavish in love? Am I not lavish in my love all of the time? Why must it be difficult to turn your love up for one day year? Have it set the tone of extravagant love, my love. I think love is a big deal, so embrace it and run with it. So don't reduce this day to the mediocrity of every day life, rather let this day raise your love! Those are my thoughts on today."

I found this to be a rather fascinating reveleation, and as a result I spent today pondering this thought. Why not be extravagent in love - really what is the harm? What is bad about showering others with love and affection? Has not the Lord done this for me in more ways I can imagine? And am I not called to follow His example?

So in case I missed you, or did not get the opportunity to tell you - know that you are loved. By me, but more importantly by the amazing creator of the universe. Happy Valentine's Day!

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